Basics of SEO

The word search engine optimization it self explain that optimization of the searching content. Means simple, what we search is going to be shown by google. Definitely every article is shown by google. but according to their quality and how on page S E O done. This is most simple factor of optimization. Lets move to next i.e. On page S E O On page S E O is all about the improvement of web pages such as. 1. How much time page is getting to open for reader. 2. Quality of the content. 3. Grammatically article is correct or not. 4. Paragraph distribution. 5. Article containing result/conclusion. 6. Responsive to every display screen. 7.Tittle key word matching in article or not. 8. Internal page linking. 9. Pictorial presentation in article. On-page S E O pictorial presentation on page S E O Off page S E O Off page seo its self described that which is not done from your control panel side simply. It is all about the link buil...